Rodica Rosior

Articles by

Rodica Rosior

Articles by

Rodica Rosior

Following God’s calling to victory through doubts, vulnerability, courage and teamwork
Deborah’s story as a female judge, a prophetess, a general and a poet stands out as one of success and victory.
The Radical Disciple
“We have a double responsibility: maturity in Christ is the goal both for ourselves and our ministry to others.” John Stott
Integrity as an Absolute Standard
The only person in human history whose life was absolutely integrated was Jesus Christ.
Our Daily Friend in Disguise: Anxiety in the 21st Century - Part I
We are living in an anxious age. Many of us also find ourselves anxious, if not permanently, at least more often than we would like to be, in dealing with challenges.
Is Honesty ‘the Best Policy’?
We may still believe honesty to be ‘the best policy’, but who’s honesty is it? Is it honesty expedient to our own desired outcomes? This article is part 1 of a mini-series on integrity.
Following Jesus
Bayer suggests that discipleship is fundamentally a matter of Christ’s exposure - and transformation - of our self-perception and God- perception.
Wealth and Poverty
All wealth ultimately belongs to God – we are always stewards, never owners. The existence of poverty is the result of our individual and collective brokenness, not God’s failure to provide.
Our Daily Friend in Disguise: Anxiety in the 21st Century - Part II
Ever since the trust was broken in Eden, we are living in an anxious age. How can we learn to trust again? What does the Bible say about worry and anxiety?

Articles by

Rodica Rosior

Following God’s calling to victory through doubts, vulnerability, courage and teamwork
Deborah’s story as a female judge, a prophetess, a general and a poet stands out as one of success and victory.
The Radical Disciple
“We have a double responsibility: maturity in Christ is the goal both for ourselves and our ministry to others.” John Stott
Integrity as an Absolute Standard
The only person in human history whose life was absolutely integrated was Jesus Christ.
Our Daily Friend in Disguise: Anxiety in the 21st Century - Part I
We are living in an anxious age. Many of us also find ourselves anxious, if not permanently, at least more often than we would like to be, in dealing with challenges.
Is Honesty ‘the Best Policy’?
We may still believe honesty to be ‘the best policy’, but who’s honesty is it? Is it honesty expedient to our own desired outcomes? This article is part 1 of a mini-series on integrity.
Following Jesus
Bayer suggests that discipleship is fundamentally a matter of Christ’s exposure - and transformation - of our self-perception and God- perception.
Wealth and Poverty
All wealth ultimately belongs to God – we are always stewards, never owners. The existence of poverty is the result of our individual and collective brokenness, not God’s failure to provide.
Our Daily Friend in Disguise: Anxiety in the 21st Century - Part II
Ever since the trust was broken in Eden, we are living in an anxious age. How can we learn to trust again? What does the Bible say about worry and anxiety?